In the spirit of Civic leadership Bournville hosted a visit from the local MP Mr Steve McCabe. Mr McCabe spent two hours in the school celebrating the significant improvements here and visiting
classrooms where he saw students engrossed in learning.
As we walked down the hill between primary and secondary we saw our year 10 AP students
marching across the top court in perfect formation, an essential part of our boot camp to refocus our students to feel positive and successful before embarking on their GCSE courses. Then Mr McCabe spent an hour with students discussing education and the reforms students would like to see. Macey was passionate in her argument championing the need for more funding for mental health services for schools, pointing out that success in exams could only happen if students
were mentally able to learn.
In a week where our esteemed education minister has publicly admonished OCR for their attempts to increase diversity in our English GCSE curriculum, Mesha argued passionately for just that, increased representation within our curriculum. As a multi[1]cultural school Bournville has made significant efforts to take every opportunity to celebrate diversity and ensure that the books we read and the topics we teach fairly represent the success of people from all cultures.
Finally, we discussed the EBACC a particular hobby horse of mine. I defend the rights of our young
people to study a broad, balanced and ambitious curriculum and I also defend the rights of our
students to be able to choose. It is as academically appropriate for a scientist to want to choose music and DT as it is for a linguist choose history and Spanish and it is absolutely appropriate for some of our students to follow a vocational pathway with a strong core.
As a result of his discussions with our students Mr McCabe tabled a parliamentary question, more
on that next time….
Miss M. Green – Principal