Proud to be an FMAT Academy

Primary Provision

Primary Attendance

If your child has a medical need please complete the Individual Health Care Plan form below and please contact Mrs Bharj ( in school.  If your child has asthma please contact Mrs Bharj before filling out the form, as there is a separate form with a standard plan agreed with our school nurse.

If your child needs to take medication on a short-term basis please fill out the Short Term Medication form and contact Mrs Bharj as above.

The medical forms can be found on our Parent Information page. Please click here to access this page.

Supporting Your Child’s Attendance


We are happy to help with any problems you may have regarding attendance and will contact you if we have any concerns.

In the rare cases of frequent or unauthorised absences, and persistent lateness, we will follow the Local Authority Fast Track Scheme as outlined in our Attendance Policy.

Some simple things you can do to support your child’s attendance:

  • Ask your child positive questions about their day to show an interest and talk positively about school – “Did anything make you laugh today?” “Who was a good friend to you today?” “Did you learn anything new today?”
  • Have a routine for getting up, getting dressed, having breakfast and leaving the house on time – this reduces the morning stress!
  • Prepare the night before by packing bags, laying out clothes and having a good night’s sleep.
  • Help your child develop friendships by organising play dates or meet-ups with other children in their class.
  • Talk to your child about the importance of attending school to support their learning. Model this by only letting them stay at home if they are truly too ill for school, and by booking appointments after school and in holiday time.
  • Communicate with school if your child has had an upset which is making them feel like they don’t want to come in – usually these issues can be sorted out quickly and we can help reduce the anxiety for you and your child. Speak to your child’s class teacher in the first instance, or to one of the SLT who are on the door each morning.

This link below can give you some great advice as a parent on how to manage your child if they are struggling with going to school: parent/parents a-z mental health guide school anxiety and refusal

If your child has a medical need that requires prescribed medication, please complete the Medical Form  and contact Mrs Bharj  email: in school.  If your child has any severe allergies, please contact Mrs Bharj and arrange a meeting so that a clear plan is put in place.
