Academy Life
Student Wellbeing
We have received an award from the Anti-Bullying Alliance

This page is for information about how to help yourself or your child’s wellbeing. Please also see our safeguarding page for information on:
- Who to contact at Bournville School as well as outside organisations
- Our safeguarding policy
- Bullying
- Internet Safety
- Mental Health
- Child Sexual Exploitation
- Teenage Relationship Abuse
- Gangs
- Drug and alcohol abuse and gambling
- Young carers
- Extremism and Radicalisation
The National School Breakfast Programme

Our school has joined the government’s National School Breakfast Programme (NSBP), which is being delivered by the charities Family Action and Magic Breakfast.
As a NSBP School we are pleased to offer a healthy school breakfast, available to all, and enjoy the benefits that brings, with children settled and ready to learn at the start of the school day.
Food Bank Vouchers
Our school has a limited amount of B30 Food Bank vouchers for families experiencing hardship. Please contact Miss Tisdell in confidence if you require a food bank voucher.
Red Box Project – Free Sanitary Products
We have partnered with the Red Box project to provide free sanitary products for girls to use in school or to take home. Please visit the medical room in confidence.
Managing your wellbeing
Here are a few tips to help young people cope with the stresses and strains of life, whether they are just starting with us in Reception year, or Year 11 students revising for their exams.
- Physical health – doing exercise everyday will improve your concentration, memory and help you feel good and boost your confidence. is a website that can help you to improve your fitness and activity levels.
- Nutrition – eating a healthy diet will help to keep your energy levels and concentration high. A healthy diet includes complex carbohydrates, protein, healthy fats, low sugar snacks and plenty of water. A great website to help you to find out how to eat and drink more healthily is
- Rest & recovery – it is important for adults and children to have time for rest, relaxation and “down time” as it can help us rebuild and revive ourselves. Rest and relaxation help to improve our productivity & concentration.
- Sleep – Getting enough sleep will reduce anxiety and stress while at the same time improving alertness and attention span. Older students should get 8 – 9 hours sleep each night, while younger students need more. However old you are, make sure you stop using electronic devices at least an hour before bedtime, to help you get to sleep.
- Stress management – Try to create personal strategies to help you to cope with anxiety or stress. Examples include breathing techniques, taking time out, mindfulness, talking to friends or physical activity.
Who should I speak to if I have a concern about a child?
For most concerns regarding children at Bournville School you should contact your child’s form tutor or Head of Year:
- Primary phase: Ms N Briner -
- Head of Year 7: Mr G Ellis -
- Assistant Head of Key Stage Y8: Mr J Hutchinson -
- Assistant Head of Key Stage Y9: Mr G O'Garro -
- Assistant Head of Key Stage Y10: Miss E Boyle –
- Assistant Head of Key Stage Y11: Miss E Boyle -
If you do not want to talk to someone in school, two excellent organisations for advice on all aspects of children’s safety and wellbeing are (0808 800 500) and (0800 1111)
Other organisations who can help:
Young Minds
- The Young Minds crisis messenger service provides free, 24/7 mental health crisis support across the UK. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis and need support, you can text YM to 85258. The service is free and anonymous, however if they feel you are at immediate risk of harm they may share your details with people who can provide support.
- Crisis messenger service could help with urgent issues such as:
Mood Juice
- Direct access to self help on a range of emotional issues
- Personal trainer for your mind
- Free, safe and anonymous online support for young people
- A website specifically offering support for young people whose parents have cancer
Reach 4 Wellbeing
- Promotes and supports emotional wellbeing for children and young people aged 5-19 years old
Change Birmingham Brief Therapy
- The Sharp System website is a way for students to raise concerns – about bullying or anything else – to us, and do so anonymously if they wish. We take bullying very seriously and will act on all reports.
New Start Programme
- Bournville School is a member of the NewStart Programme. NewStart is a prevention and early-intervention programme to promote mental health and emotional well-being in our school communities.
- Led by Birmingham Education Partnership and funded by the NHS, the NewStart programme aims to build resilience and well-being for young people through a school-based community development model.
- NewStart is working with schools to help staff know earlier when young people may be experiencing poor emotional health and to put support in place for them sooner. Understanding how the whole school can support such students enables all pupils to achieve better outcomes.