Proud to be an FMAT Academy

We are very proud of our pupils and how they make an active contribution to their community. Each House supports a House Charity – pupils learn about the work of the charity in their tutor groups and have opportunities to fund raise across the year to support nominated local causes. We also support national events and are very proud to have supported a number of causes this year, be this to raise awareness or raise money to support charity work. So far, we have:

  • Held a Christmas Fayre, with money raised from House stalls to go to House Charities
  • Prefects held a Bake Sale to raise money for Children in Need
  • Christmas Jumper Day raised money for mental health charity, Mind
  • The Winter Talent Showcase raised funds for a nominated local cause
  • Pupils also learn about the importance of volunteering through tutor time and have the opportunity to join the  Duke of Edinburgh scheme.