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Academy Life

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance

Careers Education at Bournville Academy

Careers Entitlement

Careers Education at Bournville School is a coherent programme of activities that inform, inspire and motivate young people, preparing them for work and helping them to understand where different education and training choices could take them in the future. This is delivered throughout all year groups. We are proud of our strong established links with a variety of employers and education partners who we work closely with throughout the academic year.

Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) is a major contributing factor towards the successful transition into the world of work. This is supported by parents, teachers, professionals and advisory agencies and includes information provided by the DfEs statutory guidance. Bournville School is also guided by the eight benchmarks for delivering good career guidance, as identified in the Gatsby ‘Good Career Guidance’ report. The aims and objectives are that students feel confident and well informed about their choices and are able to engage proactively in decisions about the pathways they will take now and in the future.

Bournville School’s Careers Team are dedicated to ensuring students between Years 7 and 11 receive independent and impartial careers guidance, developing an embedded culture of high expectations and potential attainment.

There is a large amount of information available on the Unifrog website:  please see Mrs R Field for further Unifrog support.

At Bournville School we believe that all students deserve the best opportunities for their future, and we are proud to say that we help all students to progress onto positive destinations. All students in year 7 through to year 11 are given regular opportunities to learn about possible future careers through the PSHE curriculum, as well as careers interviews with an independent careers adviser. Extra-curricular opportunities include careers fairs and mock interview days.

How do we assess impact?

As a school we assess the impact of the careers programme through both our NEET data (not in education, employment or training, currently 0%), destinations data (where our students move on to) and from what our students tell us through student voice. This gives us the information we need to make sure the content is of use to our students, and that they all have the help they need to take the next steps in their life.

This careers programme will be reviewed annually.
