Proud to be an FMAT Academy

Our Academy


All state-maintained schools in England are inspected by Ofsted. This includes local authority-run schools, academies and free schools, as well as non-maintained special schools, pupil referral units and further education/sixth form colleges. Ofsted also inspects some independent schools 


School inspection is currently set out in legislation through the Education Act 2005. In this act, the regular two-day inspection is described as a Section 5 inspection and ‘other inspection’ is described as a Section 8 inspection (in England). This includes the new ‘short inspection’ of schools graded ‘Good’.

 Schools that are rated Requires Improvementusually have a full re-inspection within 30 months. 

Schools rated Inadequatehave more regular monitoring, alongside support to improve their rating. 

 Ofsted inspectors look at five main areas: 

  • Quality of education 
  • Behaviour and attitudes 
  • Personal development of pupils 
  • Leadership 
  • EYFS

Schools receive a judgement for each of the four inspection areas, and an overall judgement. There are four numerical grades: 


  • 1: Outstanding 
  • 2: Good 
  • 3: Requires Improvement 
  • 4: Inadequate

Ofsted report

Bournville had a two day inspection on Tuesday 12th and Wednesday 13th March 2024.  Please click here for the inspection report.


During our most recent inspection, Ofsted identified the following strengths, among others:


Leadership and Management is Good. Leaders are taking appropriate actions to continue the improvement journey of the school and safeguarding is effective. 

Personal development is Good. Students are safe and happy, students are provided with significant opportunity to develop beyond the curriculum. The Early Years and primary provision known by OFSTED as EYFS is Good. 

Students make good progress as phonics and the rest of the curriculum is well taught.

Parent view

Ofsted takes into account the views of parents and carers giving parents the chance to tell Ofsted what they think of your child’s school, responding to the questions asked.


The questionnaire can be completed at any time - you don’t have to wait until the school is being inspected. 


Please click the link below to access the survey.


It is important to hear the views of everyone involved in the education of our students, and of course parents are at the heart of this.  As part of our commitment to listening to parents we have a termly parent forum, and since March 2014 we have also been asking parents to fill out a questionnaire at every parents’ evening.


The questionnaire consists of twelve questions – identical to those asked by Ofsted on their Parent View website – which are answered using a Likert scale (i.e. from Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree).  In addition there are two free-response questions where parents can tell us the areas that they think we have improved in, and the areas in which they think we could improve further.
