Category: Updates


Poetry Live! 2024

Year 10 and Year 11 students were very very fortunate today to attend the Poetry Live! event at the incredible Symphony Hall in Birmingham. They

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Extra-Curricular Participation

At Bournville, we place a great emphasis on character education. That is all the learning that takes place during childhood that is not necessarily academic.

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Holocaust Memorial Day

27 January is the day Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest Nazi death camp, was liberated. Our tutors have been sharing a presentation with all students this week

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Period 6

Every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday from January 2024 Period 6 will be running at 2.40pm till 3.40pm, for students in Year 11 for their core

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Attendance – every minute counts!

We believe attendance is a whole-school responsibility and all work diligently to achieve excellent attendance.  We would like to congratulate and thank the many parents

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