Student Leadership
I have been so impressed with the number and quality of applications received by Y10 students wanting prefect positions for the next academic year. To
I have been so impressed with the number and quality of applications received by Y10 students wanting prefect positions for the next academic year. To
We are really proud to receive the School Games Gold Award for the second consecutive year. This is in recognition of our commitment to competitive
The correlation between high attendance and excellent attainment is clear. If students are in school every day, they will achieve better in their assessments. There
Y7 Parent’s Evening takes place on Thursday 22nd June. Bookings through SchoolCloud. Year-7-Consultation-Evening-Thursday-22nd-June-2023.pdf (bournvilleschool.org)
Bournville School is a member of the Fairfax Multi Academy Trust, a successful network of schools who share the same values and aspirations.
Proud to be an FMAT Academy